Lance Arsenault and John Kelso, Visualization and Virtual Environments for Research and Instruction, day 2: DIVERSE, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, May 16, 2002

section 1
Brief Description and Razzle Dazzle-Demos

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Not Useful" and 5 = "Very Useful".
1. Usefulness of content
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
4.140.86 - 1 1 7 5 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Beginning" and 5 = "Advanced".
2. Level of content
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
4.070.92 - 1 2 6 5 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Too slow" and 5 = "Too fast".
3. Pace of session
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.620.77 - - 7 4 2 1 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Vague" and 5 = "Clear".
4. Clarity of explanation
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
2.770.93 1 4 5 3 - - 93%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Too little" and 5 = "Too much".
5. Amount of information
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.290.83 - 2 7 4 1 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Poor" and 5 = "Excellent".
6. Overall rating of session
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.570.85 - 2 3 8 1 - 100%

Do you have any other comments to make?
I highlevel summary (in words) of the main points would be more useful, perhaps, than quite so many demos. Good enthusiasm and hints of potential though ... which I realize was the main point.
Congatulations on a great contribution
The value of this session is a little hard to assess right now. Should be easier to assess after the day's activities.
Good way to start interesting presentation. Looking forward to the next session.
overload--too fast
good overview, but hard to follow in parts if you are not a programmer.
perhaps two tracks of this class: (1) those who want to export models (2) those who are interested in programming
Was very fast for me
still too much geek speak need a clearer explanation of how diverse fits

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section 2
Running Command line programs

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Not Useful" and 5 = "Very Useful".
1. Usefulness of content
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
4.500.85 - 1 - 4 9 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Beginning" and 5 = "Advanced".
2. Level of content
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
4.000.78 - - 4 6 4 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Too slow" and 5 = "Too fast".
3. Pace of session
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.210.58 - 1 9 4 - - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Vague" and 5 = "Clear".
4. Clarity of explanation
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
4.210.97 - - 5 1 8 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Too little" and 5 = "Too much".
5. Amount of information
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.210.43 - - 11 3 - - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Poor" and 5 = "Excellent".
6. Overall rating of session
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
4.500.65 - - 1 5 8 - 100%

Do you have any other comments to make?
Lance's individual attention to folks that needed it was great, but he talked way too loud.
Excellent class Flying around in the town was very fun
Made the earlier morning material more understandable. Hands on experience was great. Very useful--more than I anticipated it would be.
very helpful. . . thanks
excellent session--best so far. time to explore and experiment

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section 3
DIVERSE API and programming using examples

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Not Useful" and 5 = "Very Useful".
1. Usefulness of content
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.501.31 1 1 - 5 1 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Beginning" and 5 = "Advanced".
2. Level of content
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
4.381.06 - 1 - 2 5 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Too slow" and 5 = "Too fast".
3. Pace of session
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.750.71 - - 3 4 1 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Vague" and 5 = "Clear".
4. Clarity of explanation
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.251.04 1 - 3 4 - - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Too little" and 5 = "Too much".
5. Amount of information
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.621.06 - 1 3 2 2 - 100%

Scale is from 1 to 5, where 1 = "Poor" and 5 = "Excellent".
6. Overall rating of session
Mean St Dev Number Responding Response
3.501.31 1 1 - 5 1 - 100%

Do you have any other comments to make?
I'm not yet literate in C++, so I was lost.
I am a bit rusty in C so it was a bit fast for me.
Tough stuff--I will probably be able to use it when I am able to spend more time to learn this material in application.
How valuable this material was will depend on what written information about it we can find. I suspect that two months from now all we'll have is source code, with no 'user manual' or other guide how to use all this code.
Very impressive stuff, well explained. But a fundamental question is 'what's the audience?' If the audience is implementors, the level/style was good. But I'm guessing some of the people here are more likely to be 'sophisticated users' or faculty advisors, i.e., people with grand visions of what can be done, but who hire grad students to do coding. For this audience it would be better to spend more time on high level summary of the main points/issues/impact of this technology. Maybe more of the past and (especially) the future of this quickly changing area.

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Merged 3 records together 17-May-2002, edited by Lance Arsenault
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