****** The average Exam 1 raw score was a 81. ****** The take home exam 1 will cover: - small oscillations - normal modes - waves Nonlinear Oscillations and Hamiltonian will not be covered. Hi All, For Thursdays class we will work on Exam 1 for the duration of the class. You may ask me any question at that time, but of course I'll limit my responses. I'd advise skipping parts of problems that seem straight forward in the class period. Of course it's an open book exam. Exam 1 will be due Tu, Feb 15, 09:30, as stated before. Exam 1 will be posted Wed, Feb 9, as stated before. There will be no additional homework after HW5, and before exam 1 is due. cheers Lance The average Exam 1 raw score was a 81.