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Hand balancing and related

Like many people I've always been able to walk a small distance on my hands. Falling from one step to the next. Most active kids do this. In around the year 2008, I broke my left shoulder, clavicle in two places, cracked scapula, and humerus. It was called a floating shoulder by the surgeon who screwed on the titanium alloy plate onto my clavicle. The plate is still there, and it does not set off metal detectors at airports. Given this was at least my third time recovering from bad shoulder injury, I decided to make up my own progressive shoulder physical therapy. This progressed to doing hand balancing tricks. I'm also working on other beast skills, but hand balancing is currently the showiest one I'm training for.

My YouTube Videos

double BOSU Handstand single BOSU Handstand
Updated:  2023 December 12   05:38:24 PM (UTC)